Dein Abschnittstext (1)

In the following steps, we will be connecting to the database using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).

1. You also need to enter which type of access you require in the Database Accounts section. The available options include read or read-write access. Enter a short reason description and then select Request access.


2. From the Database Accounts screen in LCS, expand the SQL Server\Database Name column to fully view the server and database information. Everything before the ‘\’ is the server name and everything after the ‘\’ is the database name.


3. In SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) open a new Server connection and from the LCS list copy the name of the SQL Server. Change the Authentication to “SQL Server Authentication” and Copy also the User name and Password from LCS. 


4. To provide database’s name click on Options and in the next screen copy paste database’s name from LCS, then click on “Connect” to establish the connection to the server


5. Click connect and you will now see your Dynamics 365 database listed.


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